Why Germany is a Great Place for International Students – Apply2study.com

Has Germany become the new hot spot for international students? The country is gaining popularity among international students seeking to pursue their studies abroad. Despite recent health crises, international mobility is on the rise again. Students are increasingly choosing Germany for their education. But what’s driving them there, and what are the benefits of studying in Germany? Explore this on Apply2study.com.

Germany is attracting more and more international students

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Centre for University and Scientific Research (DZHW) recently published their report, “Open Science 2022.” The statistics are clear: Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students, trailing only the USA, the UK, and Australia. During the 2021-2022 period, German universities welcomed 350,000 international students, an 8% increase from the previous year. Monika Jungbauer-Gans, scientific director of the DZHW, notes a steady increase in international students since 2010-2011. Nearly 70% of these students are enrolled in universities, with the rest in Applied Sciences (HAW) courses. Over the past decade, the number of international students in German applied sciences programs has risen by 127%.

International students in Germany primarily come from China (40,000 students), India (34,000), Syria (16,500), Austria (14,500), and Turkey (12,500). The Erasmus program, celebrating its 35th anniversary last June, is also highly popular among young Europeans. Joybrato Mukherjee, President of the DAAD, emphasizes the importance of Germany’s efforts to ensure quality stays and support for international students. Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger shares this sentiment, viewing it as “an encouragement for the future.”

Why study in Germany?

1. Low Cost of Studies Despite inflation, studying in Germany remains relatively affordable compared to other developed countries. Public universities charge minimal fees, ranging between €100 and €500 per semester. For international students, application fees and other administrative costs are generally low. Additionally, the student card, “Semesterticket,” allows free use of local and regional transport. Learn more about these advantages on Apply2study.com.

2. Renowned and Internationally Recognized Universities Germany’s universities are known for high standards and international reputation. Five universities rank in the QS World University Ranking 2023 and are free of charge: Technical University of Munich (TUM), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Heidelberg, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Free University of Berlin. TUM, in particular, has a high number of international students (almost 40%) and a strong focus on business, technology, medicine, and social sciences.

3. Flexible Course System Germany recognizes the European Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate system, allowing students to start a Bachelor’s degree in one country and continue with a Master’s or Doctorate in Germany. Unlike rigid course structures in some countries, German institutions offer an “à la carte” system. Students can create their own timetable, choose from compulsory and optional subjects, and incorporate internships or work experience into their studies.

4. Great Job Opportunities Germany is known for its strong economy and stability. The country’s industries, including Volkswagen, Daimler, Allianz, BMW, and Siemens, have a significant international impact. Job opportunities are abundant in sectors like robotics, agri-food, space, aeronautics engineering, cloud, data analysis, e-commerce, content management, healthcare, and software development. Strong university-company partnerships ensure students are well-prepared for the job market.

Should everyone move to Germany, then?

While Germany offers many benefits, there are downsides. Non-European students often face visa issuance delays. Additionally, Germany’s inflation rate has risen to 10.4%, adding pressure on student life. Recently, Bavaria decided to allow its universities to charge tuition fees to certain international students. However, the government continues to support the student community and intends to maintain Germany’s position as a top education destination.

German authorities are setting up new scholarship systems and future-oriented policies to address labor shortages. For international students, Germany represents assured professional opportunities, particularly with a good command of the German language. Universities encourage learning German, which enhances integration and job prospects.

Explore more about studying in Germany and find the best programs on Apply2study.com.