Image represents the main image of an article to Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a dream for many students around the world. Study abroad offers a unique opportunity to explore new cultures, gain international exposure, and expand academic horizons.

Are the top choices of 2024 still the countries usually favored by international students? What are the new priorities of international students?

In this article, we will explore the best destinations for students in 2024.

Key Statistics:

  1. Germany sees a 15% increase in international student enrollment.
  2. South Korea experiences a 20% rise in foreign student applications.
  3. The UAE will attract 30,000 international students by 2023.
  4. Ireland’s universities offer affordable education post-Brexit.
  5. Australia remains a top choice for 2024 study destinations.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Cultural Immersion: Experience new traditions, cuisines, and lifestyles.
  • Language Skills: Improve language proficiency through daily interactions.
  • Global Networking: Build connections with students and professionals worldwide.
  • Personal Development: Enhance independence, adaptability, and resilience.

Studying abroad: What’s changing in 2024 

Image represents the brnrfits of study abroad

Many countries are emerging as the new favorite destinations for international students in 2024, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Japan. Among the most popular courses are engineering, computer science, business management, healthcare, and environmental studies.

International students’ new favorite countries 

In 2024, Germany, South Korea, the UAE, Ireland, and Australia will be popular destinations for international students due to their welcoming policies.

Germany has launched the “FIT” program to support foreign students.

The UAE sees a 12% rise in international students, with expectations to reach over 30,000 by 2023.

South Korea leverages the “Hallyu” trend to attract students.

Ireland’s affordable university system is gaining traction post-Brexit.

Distance learning courses on the rise 

In Germany, 500,000 students are in distance programs, leading some universities to go fully online. France’s Nantes Université and Germany’s FernUniversität in Hagen offer online courses.

Distance learning is cost-effective, with a Master’s degree at an online university typically ranging from 1,500 to 2,000 euros compared to 15,000 euros or more at a traditional university. While flexible, online education may lack the immersive experience of in-person study abroad, significant for students.

The growing popularity of medium-sized cities

While big cities remain popular, medium-sized towns are gaining appeal as student-friendly destinations.

In Canada, efforts are underway to attract international students to cities beyond Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal, with Halifax and Regina standing out for their high-quality education and programs for intern workers. Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan share another common feature: programs intended for international workers.

Similarly, Valenciennes in France is rising as a student-friendly city, leveraging its industrial sector and focus on innovation to attract foreign talent. International students are unaffected by recent immigration law changes, providing them with stability.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Destination for Study Abroad

Image represents the features of study abroad

  • Academic Programs: Evaluate universities offering your desired courses.
  • Location: Consider climate, proximity to home, and travel accessibility.
  • Cost of Living: Budget for accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities.
  • Visa Requirements: Understand visa regulations and application processes.
  • Career Opportunities: Research job prospects post-graduation.

Student visas: The latest changes

International students are leaning towards countries with easier visa processes, where the cost also greatly influences their decisions. Brexit has led to fewer European students opting for the UK, citing visa complexities and higher study costs. Other countries are also reevaluating their student visa policies in response to these trends.

Here is a closer look at other countries that are currently adjusting their student visa policies:


Canada is reducing study permits for international students by 35% in 2024 and 2025, capping permits at around 360,000. Provinces hosting many international students will have higher limits. The change won’t impact current visa holders, renewals, doctoral, and master’s students. However, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program will have stricter eligibility criteria from September 1, 2024.


Starting in March 2024, visa holders students in Germany can work more hours. The limit will rise from 120 full-time days/240 part-time days to 140 full-time days/280 part-time days. Additionally, international students will be permitted to work 20 hours per week.

United States

In December 2023, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated its policy for student visas (F and M visas) for foreign students in the USA. These updates mainly provide clarification, particularly regarding residency status maintenance while pursuing permanent residency. Additionally, international students in STEM fields on F-1 visas can now have an extended Optional Practical Training (OPT) period if their chosen startup participates in the OPT program. This adjustment aims to streamline hiring processes for companies seeking to employ foreign STEM graduates.


In December 2023, the Australian government announced changes to the student visa system for international students. One key change is the introduction of the Genuine Student Test (GST), replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) test. The GST aims to attract genuine students and requires a higher level of English proficiency. Postgraduate visa durations for Master’s and PhD graduates have also been adjusted.

Choosing study paths for international careers

Image represents the statue of UK for study abroad

In 2024, international students are focusing on fields with strong job prospects, such as business, IT, and healthcare, due to the economic downturn and job shortages.

The pandemic has led international students to prioritize education for employment, especially in sectors facing labor shortages like business and healthcare.

Students consider countries with post-graduation programs like the USA, Canada, and Germany, while countries with immigration restrictions, like the UK, are less attractive despite targeting advanced students.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I choose the right study-abroad destination?

Consider factors like academic programs, cost of living, cultural experiences, and job opportunities.

Q: Are scholarships available for international students?

Yes, many universities and organizations offer scholarships based on merit, need, and specific criteria.

Q: What language skills do I need for studying abroad?

Language requirements vary by country and university. Some programs may require proficiency in English or offer language courses.

Q: How can I prepare for cultural differences when studying abroad?

Research local customs, etiquette, and norms. Stay open-minded, respect diversity, and embrace new experiences.

Q: Is studying abroad worth the investment?

Studying abroad offers invaluable experiences, skills, and global perspectives that can enhance your academic and professional journey.

Final Thoughts

Studying abroad in 2024 presents new opportunities. Countries like Germany, South Korea, the UAE, Ireland, and Australia are becoming popular destinations for students.

Distance learning is gaining momentum, smaller cities are growing in appeal, and visa regulations are undergoing shifts. Take these factors into account as you plan your study journey—it’s about finding the right match for your aspirations! connects students globally with top universities, provides funding and visa guidance, and offers dedicated support for a seamless study abroad journey.




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